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Health for a lifetime >>>> Oxygen starvation – what is it?

Oxygen starvation – what is it?

Since the distant times when life appeared on planet Earth, it has become clear that it could not exist without oxygen. It is oxygen that forms the basis of life for any representative of an organic form of life. It is known that a person (like any living creature) can live for weeks without food, he can live for several days without water, but without oxygen life is possible only for several minutes.

In open spaces, the oxygen content in the air is about 23% of the total volume of the air gas mixture. In city halls, the air is saturated with oxygen in even smaller quantities due to industrial and automobile emissions. The maximum permissible oxygen content in the air mixture is considered to be within 15-17%. Beyond these limits, the process of oxygen starvation or hypoxia begins to develop in the human body . But even a person with excellent health begins to feel oxygen starvation already at 19% oxygen in the air.

How does oxygen starvation feel? Oxygen is mostly spent on saturating various tissues in the body, on the work of organs and their systems. In reality, cells of almost any tissue can survive and work in two modes: with oxygen and without it, but not for long. Gradually, cells of tissues with insufficient oxygen begin to die, which immediately leads to a disruption of the health of organs and their functioning. And first of all, higher nervous activity suffers, since the brain takes 25% of the total volume of oxygen absorbed by the body. Then the myocardium suffers, since this muscle works continuously and consumes a lot of oxygen. The faster the heart beats under any load, the more oxygen the myocardium requires. Gradually, oxygen starvation affects the tissues of other vital organs: kidneys, liver, muscles of the musculoskeletal system. And the very important work of the immune system begins to fail, since immunity is directly connected with the work of certain groups of cells that must always be in working order and fight infectious agents that enter the body through breathing, food or water.

Signs of oxygen starvation develop in exactly the same order as disturbances in the functioning of the primary organs and their systems:

  • A person's energy level drops and they feel tired.
  • The severity of reactions to external stimuli decreases.
  • May feel dizzy.
  • Shortness of breath or a feeling of lack of fresh air appears.
  • The heartbeat quickens (pulse increases).
  • Tremors in the muscles of the limbs may be observed.
  • Smoldering infection sites begin to develop into obvious symptoms of infectious diseases, such as respiratory diseases.

A person with chronic oxygen starvation begins to lose endurance, quickly gets tired of intellectual work, and may experience headaches of unknown origin. His work capacity decreases, and a feeling of apathy appears, which may develop into depression.

Unlike the usual signs of food starvation, which a person quickly identifies, he may not attach much importance to the signs of oxygen starvation. This is very dangerous for health, since with constant oxygen starvation, irreversible changes develop in the body, affecting overall well-being. This means that in the case of searching for the origin of the described symptoms, it is necessary first of all to check whether enough oxygen is supplied to the body. To do this, it is necessary to be outdoors more often, walk along alleys and park areas where plants saturate the air with oxygen, arrange oxygen inhalations for yourself and then evaluate the changes in your health. If improvements are noticed and the signs of poor health described above disappear, this means that the cause of the ailments was oxygen starvation.



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