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Healing diets >>>> Diet for circulatory disorders

Diet for circulatory disorders.

A disorder such as circulatory failure has many causes. The two most important causes of circulatory disorders that require special attention to nutrition are malfunctioning of the heart and vascular disorders, which inhibit the distribution of blood through the tissues.

Blood circulation is directly related to tissue nutrition, since it is the blood that carries nutrients to various areas of the body. The smallest cell in the body receives nutrition only through the blood circulation. For the blood supply to the body, it is very important what exactly will carry the blood thanks to a normally functioning circulatory system, and it is very important how effective this tissue nutrition will be. Tissues and organs that do not receive the necessary nutrients begin to experience "starvation", and this is manifested in tissue edema, in cell death, in a change in the color of the skin, in poor general health of a person.

An excess of harmful substances coming from poor-quality food in a poor state of the circulatory system begins to slag tissues and organs that do not have time to dispose of harmful and excess substances in the correct way.

It is very important for satisfactory or unsatisfactory work of the heart muscle and blood vessels to revise the diet so as not to overload the body with unnecessary and low-quality substances. Against the background of treatment of circulatory disorders, it is necessary to give the body the opportunity to restore metabolic processes with minimal efforts of the organs working for the good of the body's health.

To change the work of the organs involved in blood circulation, it is necessary to follow several principles in diet and lifestyle:

  • Reduce the amount of heavy food consumption, which requires an increase in metabolic reactions and the processes of utilization and removal of food toxins.
  • Increase the number of foods in the diet that facilitate easy transport of nutrients throughout the body. Such foods are called easily digestible and easily digestible.
  • The most directly related to the processes of blood circulation is the motor activity of the human body in combination with food consumption. After eating, do not go to rest, do not eat immediately before bedtime.
  • In parallel, the diet for the rehabilitation of blood circulation is being revised in favor of fractional nutrition, so as not to burden the organs with a large amount of digested food, which at such moments require increased blood flow.

As a result, after a diet with impaired blood circulation, a person's body weight should be slightly lower than noma for his height and age - this is not weight loss in the literal sense of the word, but a significant reduction in body weight.

Fasting on a diet to restore blood circulation is not required - body weight will decrease due to a decrease in the consumption of water, salt, fatty foods and heavy carbohydrates. The rest of the foods can be consumed in sufficient quantities in order not to feel hunger, but eat often and in small portions. The total calorie content of meals should not exceed 2000-2300 calories per day. Ideally, you can limit yourself to 1,800 calories.

In the diet to restore normal blood circulation, the amount of salt and water play a large role, or rather, a decrease in their amount. The body does not need excess salt and water at such moments due to the fact that these excess will be deposited in the tissues. In addition, with an excess of fluid in the body (and the salt will retain it), blood pressure begins to rise, which again loads the vessels, and with them the general course of metabolic processes.

A feature of the diet to regulate blood circulation is to reduce the amount of fluid taken by excluding soups, liquid cereals, fats (from which the body can get water by splitting fat cells), juicy fruits (peaches, pears, melons, watermelons, citrus fruits), juicy vegetables ( cucumbers, tomatoes), juices, carbonated drinks, alcohol, cocktails, coffee (increases blood pressure). Jellied meat and aspic made from fatty broths are removed from the diet for a while.

To reduce salt, do not eat salted fish (hot smoked, cold smoked, dried, balyk, canned, lightly salted barrel-salted fish, fish slices, fish roe). Dried and canned seafood (for example, squid, shrimp), canned vegetables and fruits (salted and pickled), smoked meat, sausages, ham, saltison, bacon, meat slices, sausages and sausages, lard.

Side dishes of legumes, mushrooms, fried potatoes, fried dough (deep-fried, breaded) are removed from consumption for a while. Exclude fried meat (especially fatty varieties), fried seafood and fried fatty fish from the diet. But fried varieties of lean meat can be consumed (frying is carried out with vegetable oils and without deep fat) or baked lean meat in the oven or roasted on a skewer, in the form of a shish kebab. These types of meat include chicken meat, turkey meat, quail meat, flying game meat, rabbit meat, kangaroo meat, veal, wild goats and other similar animals.

The menu is formed with the participation of side dishes from pasta (durum wheat), non-liquid cereals (rice, millet, pearl barley, corn, oat thickly cooked), mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice purees, mashed potatoes, mashed green vegetables (cabbage, asparagus, cabbage salads, and other vegetables suitable for mashed potatoes).

From dairy products in the diet, cottage cheese of various fat content, kefir, fermented baked milk, hard cheeses, cottage cheese creams, cottage cheese gelatin creams are welcome.

To diversify the dietary menu dishes, they begin to combine food from the list of allowed:

  • Fruit (dried fruit) plus a grain side dish;
  • Pasta plus vegetables;
  • Cottage cheese plus baked fruits or vegetables;
  • Eggs plus porridge or pasta;
  • Eggs plus vegetables (mashed potatoes, boiled in pieces, raw);
  • Pasta plus light meat or fish dishes;
  • Fish or meat plus a vegetable side dish (mashed potatoes, boiled in chunks or raw).

From drinks it is permissible to drink in addition to water:

It should be understood that it is possible to simply adhere to a diet in case of circulatory disorders, but it must still be combined with medical procedures to restore the functions of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

The duration of the diet is correlated with the specific doctor's recommendations for general treatment and restoration of normal blood circulation. A diet with impaired blood circulation is one of the easiest diets to comply with nutritional standards, as it allows you to consume almost all types of foods, but with minor restrictions.



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