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Rest turned into disease >>>> Symptoms and prevention of altitude sickness

Symptoms and prevention of altitude sickness.

Since we have already described the essence of the disturbance of the state of the body that occurs in a person during a sharp transition from an environment with an increased barometric pressure to an environment with a low barometric pressure in the previous article on decompression sickness, we will only mention that the violation of physiological processes in the body in this case among scuba divers for climbers and for pilots (piloting open airplanes) it happens according to the same principle.

Those who like to climb heights also have to deal with very unpleasant symptoms of a change in their general state of health when moving to higher surfaces. Starting from a certain height (1000 m), not only beginners - climbers, but also experienced professionals - high-altitude climbers - tend to experience painful sensations. The development of the disease, which, in the case of the transition to higher surfaces above sea level, is called altitude sickness (sometimes, illness at altitude), occurs with absolutely the same symptoms as in deep workers and divers, the difference is that in the case of ascent from a depth with a limited volume of gas mixture (for example, if the reserve of such a mixture is incorrectly calculated, taking into account stops ) the scuba diver has no chance to get around this difficult condition, and the climber or pilot has the opportunity to initially organize the ascent correctly.

Signs of altitude sickness.

Starting from an altitude of 1000 meters, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the air changes, so the human body tries to rebuild and adapt to being in rarefied air with a low oxygen content. When this appears:

  • shortness of breath
  • high blood pressure (tinnitus),
  • tachycardia,
  • nose bleed,
  • euphoria and excitement,
  • dizziness,
  • headache,
  • fainting.

Decompensation phenomena develop from an altitude of 4000 - 5000 meters :

  • the state of euphoria and excitement is replaced by an oppressed state and even depression,
  • a feeling of fatigue develops,
  • drowsiness,
  • deafness (hearing loss),
  • blood pressure decreases
  • inhibition of gastrointestinal reflexes occurs,
  • convulsions.

At an altitude of 6,000 - 7,000 meters:

  • there is an acute lack of oxygen,
  • loss of consciousness during its recovery is complicated by retrograde amnesia,
  • cardiac arrest, pulmonary edema, cerebral edema, and respiratory paralysis can occur, which can be fatal.

Prevention of altitude sickness includes a number of measures.

  • First, to make safe hikes in the mountains or fly in open planes, methodical training with gradual climb is required to gradually adapt the body to conditions of low barometric pressure.
  • Secondly, the ascent should be planned initially with stops in order to enable the body to get used to overload and rebuild physiological processes in a suitable way. Rest periods should last as long as necessary to improve overall well-being.
  • Thirdly, an altitude of 3000 - 4000 meters is considered borderline, beyond which it is necessary to use oxygen cylinders (both when climbing and flying).
  • Fourth, at the first symptoms of a sharp deterioration in health, it is necessary to descend. And it should be remembered that the concept of acclimatization is very conditional, since it proceeds differently for different altitudes and different health conditions. And at altitudes above 5000 - 7000 meters, the body, in principle, will not be able to fully rebuild its physiological processes. Therefore, the conquerors of high altitudes do not stay at too high elevations for a long time, and begin the return descent.

The treatment of altitude sickness, in contrast to the treatment of decompression sickness in scuba divers, does not require hardware decompression, that is, the use of a pressure chamber. It is enough to descend on time to a safe level and be able to replenish the lack of oxygen (periodically inhale balloon oxygen). Borderline health conditions require serious medical and hardware intervention with resuscitation measures, therefore, in case of a severe course of the disease, urgent transportation to a medical institution is required.



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