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Immunology and Allergology >>>> What are cellular and humoral defense factors

What are cellular and humoral defense factors.

Immunology is considered today the most promising science and scientists pin great hopes on the results of research in this area, since there is no better protection against diseases than a perfectly working natural body defense mechanism invented by nature. What has nature come up with to protect the body from pathogens?

These are cellular and humoral protection factors, often they are called "cellular immunity" and "humoral immunity".

Cellular defense factors or cellular immunity is aimed at destroying pathogenic cells with the help of groups of cells that behave aggressively when meeting foreign cells or tumor cells. Aggression consists in destruction by phagocytosis (ingestion and intracellular destruction - "digestion"). These cells include leukocytes (Granulocytes, Monocytes). These are cells of innate (non-specific) immunity. And also in the process of cellular defense, T-lymphocyte cells are involved, which are representatives of acquired (specific immunity). A striking example of the results of cellular immunity is the rejection of organs and implants.

Innate immunity has a number of protective humoral factors (humoral immunity). This is an enzyme found in saliva and lacrimal fluid - lysozyme, whey protein (located in the bloodstream) - properdin, complement. Lysozyme and properdin inhibit the vital activity of bacteria and viruses, destroying some of them. The complement system is a system of serum proteins that are activated along a chain (activation of some leads to the activation of the next) when they meet an antigen, form a membrane-attacking complex, which, penetrating into the cell membrane, destroys it.

The humoral factors of acquired (specific) immunity are associated with the production of antibodies, which are the direct factors of protection. B-lymphocytes are responsible for the production of antibodies. An example of the work of humoral immunity is allergic reactions to medicinal components, food or pollen.



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