Interesting >>>> Bionic vision
Bionic vision.
People with diseases of the visual apparatus that lead to blindness, there is hope for gaining vision. High-tech designs that combine digital technology and bioengineering solutions now allow the blind person to see the environment. Such electronic structures are called "bionic eyes".
Bionic vision allows you to see certain contours of surrounding objects in black and white, which serves as a reference point for a blind person in space. And although he does not see the picture as a person with full vision sees it, nevertheless, this is already a breakthrough in adaptation to the world around him.
The bionic eye consists of glasses with a video camera, an antenna, a transducer (these are external structures that are designed to capture an external image of the environment and transmit it to a chip), an implanted chip (transmitting impulses to the preserved neurons of the retina).
Operations for the implantation of a bionic eye have not yet been put on stream, but over the past ten years, about three hundred such operations have been performed in the world.
The indication for the operation is a certain disease - retinitis pigmentosa (congenital progressive pathology).