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Emergencies >>>> Insecticide poisoning - signs and first aid

Organophosphate insecticide poisoning - signs and first aid.

Fearing food and gas poisoning, a person forgets that there are a number of easily accessible chemicals that can cause extremely severe forms of poisoning. These substances belong to the group of organophosphorus insecticides, the work with which requires increased caution, since their use in everyday life refers to harmful types of work and requires certain protective devices: respirators, goggles and gloves, as well as clothing that protects the surface of the skin.

Organophosphorus insecticides (for example, Chlorophos, Karbofos, Phosfamide, Metaphos and similar substances) are designed to destroy harmful insects in everyday life and in agriculture. But they are also not safe for the human body. In case of excessive inhalation of dust with the participation of organophosphorus insecticides, or inaccurate spraying of aerosol insecticides, or when using solutions of these insecticides for treatment of premises, when splashes enter the eyes, on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and bronchi during breathing, or on open areas of the skin, where they can be minor damage (abrasions, scratches, punctures), the chemically active insecticide is absorbed into the skin, into the mucous membrane and enters the body, which causes severe forms of poisoning.

It is important to know that organophosphate insecticides can be absorbed into intact skin. Due to inexperience, a person may not attach importance to poor health, and not draw parallels between the deterioration of the general condition and work with insecticides, which leads to an increase in symptoms and the transition of organophosphorus insecticide poisoning to a severe stage.

How to distinguish signs of organophosphorus insecticide poisoning from other painful symptoms and give yourself first aid or provide proper first aid to a person with suspected such poisoning?

The danger of organophosphorus insecticide poisoning lies, first of all, in the fact that the reactions of the nervous system are disturbed in a person, and paralysis of the respiratory muscles develops, as well as pulmonary edema, which, if not provided in time, can lead to suffocation.

Characteristic signs of organophosphorus insecticide poisoning:

  • Due to impaired respiratory function and, as a result, the development of shortness of breath, wheezing or gurgling appear (a large amount of mucus accumulates in the airways);
  • There is dizziness or headache;
  • Decreased quality of vision;
  • Asynchronous muscle twitches develop;
  • Excessive mobility of the limbs appears, accompanied by uncontrolled erratic movements;
  • On the part of the reaction of the pupils to light, there is a persistent constriction of the pupils;
  • The skin is covered with sweat, perspiration;
  • The general condition worsens up to loss of consciousness.

All of the listed signs of poisoning with organophosphate insecticides can appear both in a single variant and in any combination. Symptoms of organophosphate insecticide poisoning can be delayed in time, which often misleads people trying to provide first aid to the victim.

Antidote for organophosphate insecticide poisoning is Atropine (0.1% solution). But in order to provide immediate assistance to the victim, if it is impossible to use the antidote (due to the lack of medical education, the lack of the ability to inject Atropine, or in the absence of the Atropine solution itself), they provide all possible first aid to maintain the basic functions of the body until the ambulance arrives:

  • The victim is taken out of the toxic atmosphere of the room where work with insecticides was carried out;
  • Free from restrictive clothing to create conditions for free breathing;
  • To absorb toxins that have entered the eyes, wash the eyes with warm water, if toxins are suspected to enter the oral cavity, a rinse solution is prepared (one teaspoon of baking soda per 7 ounces of water), and if toxins are suspected to enter the gastrointestinal tract, a slurry of activated charcoal is prepared on water and give the victim 1-2 tablespoons.

Oxygen ventilation of the lungs is important in case of organophosphorus insecticide poisoning, since these substances are destroyed in the external environment rather quickly, then the universal remedy for maintaining the vital functions of the body before the arrival of a qualified specialist is to find the victim in an oxygen-rich atmosphere. If there are portable means for oxygen inhalation, then they are used for organophosphorus insecticide poisoning to provide first aid.



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