Infectious diseases >>>> Signs of psittacosis in humans
Signs of psittacosis in humans.
Psittacosis (synonym: ornithosis) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydophila Psittaci (a type of chlamydia). This type of bacterium is quite stable in the external environment and can retain its properties for up to 8 months in the absence of direct illumination. But Chlamydophila Psittaci dies when the temperature rises or is treated with disinfectants (phenols, chloramines, alkalis).
The carrier and source of infection are wild and domesticated birds (chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigeons, sparrows, crows, parrots, canaries and other bird species). A bacterium can enter the human body through contact with a sick bird or through an object that has retained the presence of a microorganism.
The disease can occur in both acute and chronically current form, and sometimes even latent. Signs of psittacosis can occur unexpectedly against the background of well-being. Psittacosis has an incubation period of one to two weeks. A typical picture of the defeat of the human body by psittacosis looks like pneumonia. It is especially important that in the pulmonary form of psittacosis, there are no signs of damage to the upper respiratory tract (signs of rhinitis, laryngitis or tracheitis). But there are cases when psittacosis takes on other, atypical forms: psittacosis meningitis or endocarditis, psittacosis hepatitis, as well as psittacosis that does not affect the lungs.
Signs of psittacosis in humans may resemble the characteristic development of a respiratory tract infection (ARVI, influenza, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis) or pneumonia. First, a sore throat appears (after a while, a runny nose is possible), chills, myalgia, the temperature rises quickly (it can reach 39 - 40 in Celsius), a sore throat gradually develops, a cough without sputum discharge. A dry cough turns into a productive cough with the separation of purulent sputum. There are signs of general intoxication of the body: weakness, headache, loss of appetite. After 3-4 days, rashes appear on the skin, resembling a rash with measles. Lymph nodes may enlarge. Examination of the patient may reveal an enlarged liver and / or spleen. With psittacosis, even during the period of temperature drop, the patient's well-being remains poor. And in severe cases, the body is restored no earlier than two to three months.
Pinnithosis is diagnosed by conducting biological examinations of a smear for the presence of an enzyme specific for chlamydia in it, as well as a blood test for the presence of antibodies in it.
The treatment of psittacosis is based on antibacterial therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics: groups of tetracyclines, macrolides or chloramphenicol, depending on how the patient tolerates this or that group of antibacterial drugs. But it should be borne in mind that the bacterium Chlamydophila Psittaci is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics. In addition, symptomatic treatment is carried out (bronchodilators for coughing, nasal drops, oxygen inhalations), detoxification measures (restoration of water and electrolyte balance), immunostimulating and vitamin therapy.
Timely and adequate treatment makes it possible to get rid of the disease, and most importantly, to avoid death, since psittacosis is a deadly disease.